D Gershon Lewental, PhD—News

Stack of newspapers.
Stack of newspapers. [Source: BrewerETC.]

Below, please find mentions about my work in the news and other sources.

Table of contents


Press reports

Olivová, Jana. ‘Kde můžeme hledat příčiny a kořeny radikalizace islámu [Where can we look for the causes and roots of the radicalisation of Islam?]’, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic website, 10 October 2018; online: https://www.avcr.cz/cs/o-nas/aktuality/Kde-muzeme-hledat-priciny-a-koreny-radikalizace-islamu. [Czech]

Keith, Emma. ‘OU faculty members discuss Jewish and Syrian refugee crises on Holocaust Remembrance Day’, The Oklahoma Daily, 04 May 2016; online: https://www.oudaily.com/news/ou-faculty-members-discuss-jewish-and-syrian-refugee-crises-on/article_9e86a8fa-1233-11e6-b2e0-fbac5be0827c.html.

Rey, Olivier. ‘Radical Islam: A Reaction to Western supremacy’, Red Dirt Report, 06 April 2016; online: https://www.reddirtreport.com/red-dirt-news/radical-islam-reaction-western-supremacy.

Hampton, Joy. ‘Turning points in history show the rise of radical Islam’, Norman Transcript, 02 April 2016, A1, A3; online: https://www.normantranscript.com/news/government/turning-points-in-history-show-the-rise-of-radical-islam/article_0677506e-ce8a-59e3-86b4-7ed930ad3caf.html.

Free lecture slated on radical Islam’, Norman Transcript, 01 April 2016.

”What makes radical Islam so radical?” Cornbread and Beans lecture’, Norman Transcript, 15 March 2016; online: https://www.normantranscript.com/news/government/what-makes-radical-islam-so-radical-cornbread-and-beans-lecture/article_4d95b277-4215-573f-b7ef-7f378b93aa59.html.

Kellogg, Elizabeth. ‘Professor Spotlight: Gershon Lewental’, The Osher Lifelong Learnng Institute (OLLI) News, Spring 2016; online: https://www.ou.edu/outreach/olli/newsletters/fall-2016/gershon-lewental.html.

Library briefs’, Norman Transcript, 18 March 2014; online: https://www.normantranscript.com/local/x1387870969/Library-briefs.

Visiting professor to give Israel-related lecture’, Edmond Sun, 11 November 2013; online: https://www.edmondsun.com/features/x135004653/Visiting-professor-to-give-Israel-related-lecture.

Angier, Terri. ‘Baha’i holy day celebration and talk by Israeli professor at the Edmond Baha’i Center’, NewsOK.com, 07 November 2013; online: https://newsok.com/article/3902042.

Lewental to speak tonight’, Norman Transcript, 17 October 2013; online: https://www.normantranscript.com/religion/x1909743971/Lewental-to-speak-tonight.


Stillman, Norman A. Review of Yaron Harel, Zionism in Damascus: Ideology and activity in the Jewish community at the beginning of the Twentieth Century, trans. D Gershon Lewental (London: I B Tauris, 2015). In Textual transmission in contemporary Jewish cultures, ed. Avriel Bar-Levav and Uzi Rebhun, 325–328. New York City: Oxford University Press, 2020; online: https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780197516485.003.0046.

Samuel, Annie Tracy. ‘The Memory of al-Qadisiyyah & its uses’. Dissertation Reviews, 24 May 2013; online: http://dissertationreviews.org/the-memory-and-uses-of-al-qadisiyyah/.

Upcoming talks and lectures

Please note that not all of these events are open to the general audience; please check with the organisers to confirm.
  • 18 November 2024, 12.30—‘A Symbol of empire, or, why an ancient Iranian flag is flown Iran, Tajikistan, Kurdistan—and even in New York’, Sociology and Anthropology Seminar Series, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
  • January 2025, 13.00—‘The 07 October War and the future of Israel and the Middle East’ (Rashi Israel Kehillah Community talk, Rashi School): 8000 Great Meadow Rd, Dedham, Massachusetts (Zoom).
  • Past events ► click to expand