D Gershon Lewental, PhD—News

Stack of newspapers.
Stack of newspapers. [Source: BrewerETC.]

Below, please find mentions about my work in the news and other sources.

Table of contents


Press reports

Olivová, Jana. ‘Kde můžeme hledat příčiny a kořeny radikalizace islámu [Where can we look for the causes and roots of the radicalisation of Islam?]’, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic website, 10 October 2018; online: https://www.avcr.cz/cs/o-nas/aktuality/Kde-muzeme-hledat-priciny-a-koreny-radikalizace-islamu. [Czech]

Keith, Emma. ‘OU faculty members discuss Jewish and Syrian refugee crises on Holocaust Remembrance Day’, The Oklahoma Daily, 04 May 2016; online: https://www.oudaily.com/news/ou-faculty-members-discuss-jewish-and-syrian-refugee-crises-on/article_9e86a8fa-1233-11e6-b2e0-fbac5be0827c.html.

Rey, Olivier. ‘Radical Islam: A Reaction to Western supremacy’, Red Dirt Report, 06 April 2016; online: https://www.reddirtreport.com/red-dirt-news/radical-islam-reaction-western-supremacy.

Hampton, Joy. ‘Turning points in history show the rise of radical Islam’, Norman Transcript, 02 April 2016, A1, A3; online: https://www.normantranscript.com/news/government/turning-points-in-history-show-the-rise-of-radical-islam/article_0677506e-ce8a-59e3-86b4-7ed930ad3caf.html.

Free lecture slated on radical Islam’, Norman Transcript, 01 April 2016.

”What makes radical Islam so radical?” Cornbread and Beans lecture’, Norman Transcript, 15 March 2016; online: https://www.normantranscript.com/news/government/what-makes-radical-islam-so-radical-cornbread-and-beans-lecture/article_4d95b277-4215-573f-b7ef-7f378b93aa59.html.

Kellogg, Elizabeth. ‘Professor Spotlight: Gershon Lewental’, The Osher Lifelong Learnng Institute (OLLI) News, Spring 2016; online: https://www.ou.edu/outreach/olli/newsletters/fall-2016/gershon-lewental.html.

Library briefs’, Norman Transcript, 18 March 2014; online: https://www.normantranscript.com/local/x1387870969/Library-briefs.

Visiting professor to give Israel-related lecture’, Edmond Sun, 11 November 2013; online: https://www.edmondsun.com/features/x135004653/Visiting-professor-to-give-Israel-related-lecture.

Angier, Terri. ‘Baha’i holy day celebration and talk by Israeli professor at the Edmond Baha’i Center’, NewsOK.com, 07 November 2013; online: https://newsok.com/article/3902042.

Lewental to speak tonight’, Norman Transcript, 17 October 2013; online: https://www.normantranscript.com/religion/x1909743971/Lewental-to-speak-tonight.


Stillman, Norman A. Review of Yaron Harel, Zionism in Damascus: Ideology and activity in the Jewish community at the beginning of the Twentieth Century, trans. D Gershon Lewental (London: I B Tauris, 2015). In Textual transmission in contemporary Jewish cultures, ed. Avriel Bar-Levav and Uzi Rebhun, 325–328. New York City: Oxford University Press, 2020; online: https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780197516485.003.0046.

Samuel, Annie Tracy. ‘The Memory of al-Qadisiyyah & its uses’. Dissertation Reviews, 24 May 2013; online: http://dissertationreviews.org/the-memory-and-uses-of-al-qadisiyyah/.

Upcoming talks and lectures

Please note that not all of these events are open to the general audience; please check with the organisers to confirm.
  • 07–09 July 2025—‘Category imperative: Establishing a Bahāʾī department in the Israeli Ministry for Religious Affairs’ (41st annual meeting of the Association for Israel Studies): Haifa, Israel.
  • Past events ► click to expand